
My New Favorite Thing Ever

He just sounds so bored by the end. I have this mental image of a classically trained actor reduced to doing voiceovers for some stupid American cartoon. He'll say 'fishing', but he'll be damned if he'll sing the Batman theme.
I wish I had a cool update, but not much is going on, as usual. I don't have any awesome home remodeling pictures, I'm not drinking in foreign lands, I'm not frequenting immigrant nightclubs...I did learn to play Dio's Holy Diver today, but that took all of 20 seconds. I'm not trying to brag or anything, if you can play guitar, it's really really easy. Here are my instructions: It starts on C.
[Edit: fixed last stupid link]


Eric said...

Wow, that was awesomely bad. I can't believe I had managed to avoid listening to that in the Cube days when we watched all those "Top 20 Bad Metal Videos of the 80s".

How a man with 2 advanced degrees ended up voicing over Simpsons episodes is beyond me, but I hope I can make some better life choices than he did.

Seph said...

That was weird. Really, really weird.

Sorry you have no cool updates. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't go to a cool immigrant nightclub this weekend. No, this weekend was a Hollywood club with a stilt dancer and a woman doing acrobatic routines in her underwear. So, you know, kind of boring.

Joe Streckert said...

What the hell was that?

Most recently, I drank a wholly unremarkable beer. That was about two nights ago. It was not blog-worthy.

You should totally post remodeling pictures. Also, whenever I take up my sword to do battle with ax-wielding, rag-clad brutes and subsequently seek out red-robed demon dudes, I'll think of you, Rip. That was beautiful. I can't believe I'd never seen it before.