OK, so the New Yorker has this caption contest thing they've been doing for a year or two now, where they supply a cartoon with no caption, and readers submit their own ideas, and the handful that aren't "My wife is a slut" are voted on by us, the readers.
Here is this week's offering; Syd's caption for it, which we submitted, is
"I wish my insurance would cover a hospital not staffed by the insane."
I thought this was really funny, and then couldn't stop laughing 'cause I was trying to eat a hotdog, and every time I tried to get serious so I could eat I started laughing again, and eventually I laughed while swallowing and launched ketchup, mustard, and hot sauce up the back of my nose, and it really was most unpleasant. Then Syd showed it to her mom, who was unamused. So what do you think, dear friends? About her caption, that is, not about eating a hotdog with ketchup, mustard and hot sauce on it; I know, now, that that was wrong.
Steph: Not funny.
Eric: Mildly amusing.
Pete blowing ketchup, mustard, hot sauce out his nose: priceless.
Seriously, though: if you were a patient in a hospital where a nurse was pushing a crash test dummy around like a real person, what would you say? ::sigh:: Maybe the world isn't ready for my unique brand of "absurdist realism" humor.
But I think you need to hit the absurdist side of things more. The cartoon hints at it with the crash test dummy, but you need to drive the point home. Just calling them insane won't do it.
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